New Sealed Quench Furnace Innova 4.0 – First Experiences from Practice

Wethmar Richard - IVA Schmetz GmbH (Germany)

After its presentation in 2015 as a new invention for heat treatment industry, the new sealed quench furnace InnoVA 4.0 has been successfully launched this year. The experiences with this furnace – tested in daily production business at a commercial heat treater – have proven that InnoVA 4.0 is a solution offering a high operational reliability, reproducible material quality and a maximum productivity. Being able to treat charges up to 2.000 kg gross weight, and combining an oil bath with 12 m³ with an innovative charge transportation system inside, furthermore a permanent monitoring of media and energy flow, InnoVA 4.0 is a user-friendly, service reduced component which is also capable of being integrated into the process of manufacture.

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